Planetarisk tåke (2017)
Planetarisk tåke (2017)
House of Foundation 28.10 – 10.12 2017
Visningsrom 2
Text by Markus Stabel (only in Norwegian)
Planetarisk tåke (2017)
House of Foundation 28.10 – 10.12 2017
Visningsrom 2
Text by Markus Stabel (only in Norwegian)
Planetarisk tåke (2017)
House of Foundation 28.10 – 10.12 2017
Visningsrom 2
Text by Markus Stabel (only in Norwegian)
Planetarisk tåke (2017)
House of Foundation 28.10 – 10.12 2017
Visningsrom 2
Text by Markus Stabel (only in Norwegian)
Planetarisk tåke (2017)
House of Foundation 28.10 – 10.12 2017
Visningsrom 2
Text by Markus Stabel (only in Norwegian)
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
Ved å fotografere månens overflate kan den observeres uforstyrret. Universets uendelighet, dets enorme tomrom, sorte hull, singularitet og galakser, ligger langt utenfor hva hjernen klarer å ta inn over seg.
Det stopper opp. I et forsøk på å innta universets mørke, dets partikler og dimensjoner, vi roter rundt i universets bakgård, og observerer grusen som faller ned fra himmelen. Klumpen av jern som en gang var stor og fri. Ved å vende blikket oppover. Hvordan så stjernehimmelen ut for 5000 år siden? Når vil Karlsvogna forsvinne?
Universet sier du. Jeg ser fargerike bilder av galakser og stjernetåker. Hestehoder. Fotografiene preger vår kollektive oppfattelse av noe vi ikke kan se. Vi stoler på den visuelle fremstillingen. Hjernen oversetter bildene til noe gjenkjennelig, noe som ligner landskapsmalerier fra Amerika, storslått natur, strukturer som fyller hele bildet. Fratatt sin vitenskapelige signifikans, sin opprinnelige funksjon, for å gjenoppstå som skjermsparer. Tilgjengelig for alle.
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
The Meteorite (2017)
Planet X (2017)
Solo show at Haugesund billedgalleri 17.3 - 23.04.2017
Text by Frøydis Sollie Simonsen
Moon Gazing (2016)
22.1 — 16.2 2016
Archipelago, Hordaland Kunstsenter
In her project entitled Moon Gazing, Kirsti van Hoegee investigates the stories linked to photography and astronomy. How has the development of photographies and telescopes influenced our relationship to the universe? How does the lack of a visibly starlit sky affect us? Will photographs taken in outer space reattach us with the universe?
Natural darkness is a decreasing phenomenon as the growth of our civilisation continues, and our need to light up the night is increasing. Large parts of the earth’s population are living in permanently lit cities, with no access to a clear and starlit sky. The Milky Way, once a natural part of the nocturnal experience, has been erased by electrical lighting. As the visible universe is being erased, we seem to gain an expanding access to images from outer space. The Hubble telescope offers images so spectacular that they seem difficult to even relate to. The moon is visible to the naked eye even at midday. The moon affects the tide, it is the source of our time system, and never seizes to amaze.
Moon Gazing consists of photographs depicting the moon, taken with a cell phone and through a telescope. The images are gathered in a calendar, which will gradually disintegrate as the exhibition visitors bring home a moon on each new day.
Archipelago is a small, flexible platform for showing individual works and installations in a focused but open environment. Located on the ground floor of Hordaland kunstsenter, adjacent to a larger, more formal exhibition space, archipelago works with the constraint of limited physical space in order to explore the changing modalities of artworks in the age of virtual space. Archipelago is programmed with short lead times for each new project, with the intention of reinserting curatorial agility and real-time engagement into the institution. This initiative follows a different schedule to Hordaland kunstsenter’s main exhibition programme, and is conceived as a group of ‘thought islands’ appearing in time. These manifestations will be mapped in Hordaland kunstsenter’s website, and will also be periodically surveyed through public conversations and other events.
Moon Gazing (2016)
22.1 — 16.2 2016
Archipelago, Hordaland Kunstsenter
Moon Gazing (2016)
22.1 — 16.2 2016
Archipelago, Hordaland Kunstsenter
Moon Gazing (2016)
22.1 — 16.2 2016
Archipelago, Hordaland Kunstsenter
Light Trap (2014)
Part of land art project Mellom himmel og fjord – SJÅ
Bu, Hardanger bridge
Nine photographs and one text mounted on lamp post.
The starting point for my project is a fascination for insect’s attraction to light. Human’s desire to prolong the night has resulted in our living upon an extremely illuminated globe. Problems connected to light pollution are predominantly ignored in debates about the environment. The amount of electric light that surrounds us has lead to not having access to the same starry sky as before. The Milky Way is no longer part of a consciousness for those presently growing up. The artificial lighting also has consequences for animals and insects.
In “Light Trap” I have collected dead insects from various light sources in Norway.
Light Trap (2014)
Part of land art project Mellom himmel og fjord – SJÅ
Bu, Hardanger bridge
Nine photographs and one text mounted on lamp post.
The starting point for my project is a fascination for insect’s attraction to light. Human’s desire to prolong the night has resulted in our living upon an extremely illuminated globe. Problems connected to light pollution are predominantly ignored in debates about the environment. The amount of electric light that surrounds us has lead to not having access to the same starry sky as before. The Milky Way is no longer part of a consciousness for those presently growing up. The artificial lighting also has consequences for animals and insects.
In “Light Trap” I have collected dead insects from various light sources in Norway.
Light Trap (2014)
Part of land art project Mellom himmel og fjord – SJÅ
Bu, Hardanger bridge
Nine photographs and one text mounted on lamp post.
The starting point for my project is a fascination for insect’s attraction to light. Human’s desire to prolong the night has resulted in our living upon an extremely illuminated globe. Problems connected to light pollution are predominantly ignored in debates about the environment. The amount of electric light that surrounds us has lead to not having access to the same starry sky as before. The Milky Way is no longer part of a consciousness for those presently growing up. The artificial lighting also has consequences for animals and insects.
In “Light Trap” I have collected dead insects from various light sources in Norway.
Gold Varieties (2015)
Solo show at Hvelvet, KRAFT, Bergen
13.11 – 23.12 2015
Kirsti van Hoegee has in her latest art projects explored aspects and drawn parallells between insects behavior, and the increasingly illuminated globe. This exhibition presents new sculptural work consisting of 21 lacquered insects.
Gold Varieties (2015)
Solo show at Hvelvet, KRAFT, Bergen
13.11 – 23.12 2015
Kirsti van Hoegee has in her latest art projects explored aspects and drawn parallells between insects behavior, and the increasingly illuminated globe. This exhibition presents new sculptural work consisting of 21 lacquered insects.
Gold Varieties (2015)
Solo show at Hvelvet, KRAFT, Bergen
13.11 – 23.12 2015
Kirsti van Hoegee has in her latest art projects explored aspects and drawn parallells between insects behavior, and the increasingly illuminated globe. This exhibition presents new sculptural work consisting of 21 lacquered insects.
Gold Varieties (2015)
Solo show at Hvelvet, KRAFT, Bergen
13.11 – 23.12 2015
Kirsti van Hoegee has in her latest art projects explored aspects and drawn parallells between insects behavior, and the increasingly illuminated globe. This exhibition presents new sculptural work consisting of 21 lacquered insects.
Text by Tommy Olsson
The Life and Letters of Lepidoptera (2014)
Solo exhibition at Galleri Gamle Oslo, Oslo
The Life and Letters of Lepidoptera (2014)
Solo exhibition at Galleri Gamle Oslo, Oslo
Gold Varieties
The Life and Letters of Lepidoptera (2014)
Solo exhibition at Galleri Gamle Oslo, Oslo
Tales of Conduct and Courage
The Life and Letters of Lepidoptera (2014)
Solo exhibition at Galleri Gamle Oslo, Oslo
Gold Varieties
The Life and Letters of Lepidoptera (2014)
Solo exhibition at Galleri Gamle Oslo, Oslo
The Life and Letters of Lepidoptera
Attraction (2014)
Part of group exhibition Fabrikkert
Tysse, Osterøy Kunstforening
Human desire to extend the night has given us an enlightened planet. People think they know darkness, and that they experience darkness everyday, but they don’t, really. The artificial lighting has consequences for humans, animals and insects. It is said that nocturnal insects navigate by the moon. Locking their eyes to the light source, the moon, enabling the insect to fly in a straight line over long distances. Street lights confuse insects, mistaking them for the moon they fly in circles around the light. To us it seems like a simple attraction to the light itself. An attraction that ends with death.
People are also attracted by the light, by the glow of the sublime/perfect. We are attracted by the moon.
In Attraction I made a highly illuminated room, (Human) Light Trap, that the audience were drawn towards. The door was locked in a fixed position, so that no one could enter. In that way the audience could feel the attraction towards the light. At the other end of the installation there were a lamp, Moon Palace, with dead insects inside. At the floor there were a white circle, White Satin, painted directly on the floor. There were also pictures of moth in the room.
Attraction (2014)
Part of group exhibition Fabrikkert
Tysse, Osterøy Kunstforening
Attraction (2014)
Part of group exhibition Fabrikkert
Tysse, Osterøy Kunstforening
(Human) Light Trap
Attraction (2014)
Part of group exhibition Fabrikkert
Tysse, Osterøy Kunstforening
Attraction (2014)
Part of group exhibition Fabrikkert
Tysse, Osterøy Kunstforening
Moon Palace
8 a.m (2009)
Graduation show, Master, Bergen Kunsthall
Wall drawing based on photographs taken at the Metro in Tokyo
The trains are punctual.
Gridline lead people in the right path.
Individuals are undergoing a change by becoming a part of the mass .
I see all gazes downward, as if they are sleeping.
The unison being of the mass makes visible patterns and rhythm.
It is a comfortable flow of people.
Everyone is heading out.
8 a.m (2009)
Graduation show, Master, Bergen Kunsthall
Wall drawing based on photographs taken at the Metro in Tokyo
8 a.m (2009)
Graduation show, Master, Bergen Kunsthall
Wall drawing based on photographs taken at the Metro in Tokyo
8 a.m (2009)
Graduation show, Master, Bergen Kunsthall
Wall drawing based on photographs taken at the Metro in Tokyo
Experiment 7 (2008)
Part of first year Master exhibition “U kno when you just in school”
Visningsrommet USF, Bergen
A machine that makes dead flies flying. By pushing the red button, air will rise from underneath and the flies will start flying.
Experiment 7 (2008)
Part of first year Master exhibition “U kno when you just in school”
Visningsrommet USF, Bergen
A machine that makes dead flies flying. By pushing the red button, air will rise from underneath and the flies will start flying.
Experiment 7 (2008)
Part of first year Master exhibition “U kno when you just in school”
Visningsrommet USF, Bergen
A machine that makes dead flies flying. By pushing the red button, air will rise from underneath and the flies will start flying.